If you are tired of ill-fitting dentures and living without teeth isn’t an option, Fountain of Youth (FOY®) dentures are a good option. Although many patients often worry about dentures making them look older, that can’t be said about FOY® dentures. As the name suggests, FOY® dentures provide optimal function and confidence while giving you a youthful appearance. FOY® dentures shave many years off your face without surgery!
Want to restore your smile with FOY® dentures in your area? We welcome you to Aesthetic Dental Creations of Jackson, New Jersey, to try comfortable and well-fitting dentures.
FOY® dentures are created to match your entire facial structure, not just your teeth and gums. These revolutionary dentures are fabricated using neuromuscular dental technology that considers your muscles, nerves, and other tissues for an optimal appearance.
Conventional dentures are made after taking impressions of your teeth and gums, and changes that take place in your mouth as you eat, smile, and talk are not considered. FOY® denture impressions aren’t static—these dentures consider the motion of your facial muscles to create an optimal restoration that seamlessly supports your oral functions.
FOY® dentures help achieve a balance between teeth and the surrounding bone to preserve the natural contours of the face and jaw. FOY® dentures help reduce aging signs like a sunken-in appearance, making you look 10-15 years younger.
The other benefits of FOY® dentures include:
Imagine restoring your smile while being able to eat what you like without discomfort—and enjoying the benefits of a youthful appearance!
You can enjoy these and more if you opt for FOY® dentures from Aesthetic Dental Creations. To get started, call (732) 451-3570 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Balaji Srinivasan.
Dr. Balaji Srinivasan is inspired by the passion and purpose he discovers in dentistry and strives to provide his clients with exceptional services. He graduated from Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. He then attended Creighton University School of Dentistry in Omaha, Nebraska, and a residency program in Advanced General Dentistry at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
In 1997, he established Madison Avenue Dental Associates, where he worked for ten years. He then established Aesthetic Dental Creations in Jackson, New Jersey, in 2008 and has not looked back since.
Dr. Srinivasan is an alumnus of the world-renowned Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Training. He has received specialized training in adhesive dentistry and smile design. Dr. Srinivasan is also very effective at treating migraine/headaches because of his expertise in neuromuscular(physiologic) dentistry. He has lectured to dentists at Monmouth Medical Center on various topics. You can count on him to make your dental visit as pleasant as possible!