Dental crowns are tooth-shaped appliances worn over the teeth to impart strength and restore function. Although dental crowns are mainly used to rebuild function, Aesthetic Dental Creations of Jackson, New Jersey, offers cosmetic crowns that look like natural teeth. Once Dr. Balaji Srinivasan places a new crown over the existing tooth, it becomes virtually impossible […]
A fractured or broken tooth can sometimes seem more trouble than it’s worth. You may be tempted to remove that tooth rather than have it restored. Through dental crown treatment, Dr. Balaji Srinivasan can repair and restore damaged teeth to restore them to full use. By choosing a crown for your tooth, you can save […]
Your smile is one of the most valuable accessories you can have, and if you’ve invested in a dental crown, you want it to last as long as possible. Taking good care of porcelain crowns is vital in maintaining good oral health and extending the longevity of your restoration. If you have been seeking “dental […]
You’ve broken your front tooth and can’t stand the pain and sensitivity. After visiting Aesthetic Dental Creations in Jackson, New Jersey, Dr. Balaji Srinivasan has told you a dental crown can repair your tooth damage. Now you’re wondering: will a dental crown on my front tooth look natural? Today, people have no interest in dental […]
A fractured tooth is susceptible to decay, infection, or further deterioration that can lead to tooth loss. That’s why your tooth should be treated right away. Dental crowns offer a practical solution to repairing chipped, fractured or broken teeth to avoid extraction. Crowns are protective caps placed over weak, worn, or damaged teeth to keep […]
With the advancement in technology, modern dental restorations are designed to address a specific area of your tooth while leaving the rest intact. However, sometimes it’s best to encase your entire tooth to protect it from further damage. Dental crowns may be an age-old procedure, but modern versions are among the highly customizable options. Today, […]